Blood Simple- Poster Research

I wanted to complete some research into the characters of noir films to learn of there attributes and features. I looked into BloodSimple know for its great character types.

  • Director- Joel Coen
  • Year- 1984
  •  Noir film

Plot Outline- A rich man but jealous man (Dan Hedaya) hires a gumshoe/private investigator (M. Emmet Walsh) to find out if his wife (Frances McDormand) is cheating on him. When that’s confirmed, said gumshoe/private investigator is supposed to kill her. But, when blood is involved, nothing is simple.


  • Husband- (Dan Hedaya), a man trying to find to wife
  • Private Investigator- (M. Emmet Walsh), man trying to find and kill a woman
  • Cheating Wife- (Frances McDormand), wife running from killer

Themes- Betrayal, Jealousy, Sexual Obsession, Crime, Money, Murder/Death


Interesting features-

Joel Coens updates and breaks down the old genre, by making the private investigator villain an actual villain.

M. Emmet Walsh is beyond anti-hero, for he’s no hero. He’s a terminator who revels in chaos and dates underage women. His job is ugly and he makes it even more of an ugly human.

The representation of these characters display the range of characteristic available in the noir genre thus shows the potential we have as a group to create characters with dark themes and hidden secrets.

Linked below is the character profiles for Two Minds-

Two Minds- Character Profile

Character Profile- Two Minds







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